Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well I have a few moments to give you all an update on my family.

*Bridger is readjusted to his old school again and we just had parent/teacher conference, and he is doing so good! He is one of the top students in her class and is above the average in all his studies. We are so proud of him!

*Briley is in a pre-school down here and it is in a barn, and she absolutely loves it. She is making freinds and having fun.

*Chasey is just chasey. She is growing and talking and getting big to fast.

*Torrey has moved to night shift and it is good and bad, we get to have him a few hours in the day, but the kids are at school for it. He is such a good man, I love him so much.

*Me, still on oxygen, but feeling better and stronger everyday.

Not much else for the foreseeable future, but just doing things day by day. I will post some pictures the next chance I get, till then....